Friday, June 26, 2009

From Sea Lions to Licenses

Back from a good "road cruise" in our brand new Toyota RAV4 V6 to Southern California where we saw a grandson graduate from high school and a granddaughter celebrate her 21st birthday. Then up the California coast where we looked at adolescent California sea lions (those humongous critters with funny noses) basking and molting, driving up the Big Sur. More family visiting with sisters in Santa Rosa and then up the always spectacular and beautiful Oregon Coast with a turn east to Corvallis to see friends.

Now 2,600 miles later, home in Kingston and back to the world of boating, where stories, comments, and questions always abound.

Sea lions to Licenses almost sounds like an Alice in Wonderland episode, and as the Queen of Hearts might say, "speaking of questions" (yes, this is a really unimaginative segue), some we continue to receive run like these,

"Do I need a state license to operate my boat?"
"Do I need something to boat in Canada?"
"We're fairly sure we're old enough that we are never going to need it in the US, but what about Canada?"

and on it goes.

Let me see if I can help.

First of all, if you plan to operate a boat that is 15-horse power or larger in the Sate of Washington, you will need a Washington State Boater Education Card.

Second. The Washington State Boater Education Card is being phased in. The following chart shows who needs one, and when:

YearAge Group
200812 years to 20 year old
200925 years old and younger
201030 years old and younger
201135 years old and younger
201240 years old and younger
50 years old and younger
201459 years old and younger
2015 and afterAny person born after January 1, 1955
A person born before Jan. 1, 1955, is exempt from needing a Boater Education Card in Washington

So, anyone who is or will be 25-years old or younger this year, 2009, must have a card. Next year, 2010, anyone who will be 30-years old or younger that year will need a card. And so forth.

Third. anyone born before January 1, 1955, is exempt from needing a card. So, if you are or will be 55 this year, 2009, or are older than that, relax and forget all about this card business, at least if you plan to stay in US waters.

Fourth. And this is very important. If you cruise into Canada and are there more than 45 days you must have the Washington State Boater Education Card. Canada is not concerned if you're there less than 45 days, but over 45? You must have a card.

Fifth. And this is very, very important. Canada does not recognize the "born before January 1, 1955" exemption. There is no age exemption in Canada! Of course, if you're there less than 45 days, no worries (as they say up 'there'). But over 45 days, even Old Skipper Methuselah needs a Card.

To get a card I suggest going to the BoatU.S. Foundation Online Boating Safety Course, which is free, except for the state's $10 card fee. The course is good and very user-friendly and successful passing will get you the card.

My own CruiseMasters Boating Instruction program does not include the Washington State Boater Education course. The state program includes both Inland and International rules, and covers sail and personal watercraft (PWCs) issues, while CruiseMasters focus is on powerboats (not sail or PWC) operating on International waters, i.e. all the salt water you see around the Northwest. It just is not feasible to combine the two. Having said this, I can provide the state's Boating Safety Course and I am authorized to issue the Boater Education Card.

So, get your card now, even before you're required to, and relax and be a safe and responsible boater. Summer is here, at long last, and as our favorite eatery waitperson says, "Enjoy."

Saturday, June 6, 2009

D-Day, JUNO Beach

D-Day, June 6, 1944. JUNO Beach

Of all the troops involved in the D-Day landings, the men of the Canadian Army, with raw memories of the disaster suffered by Canadian forces in 1942 at Dieppe, might have had greatest cause for apprehension. The Canadian 3rd Infantry Division supported by the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade, formed part of I Corps, whose D-Day objective was to secure Caen and push 11 miles inland to seize Carpiquet airfield.

These were ambitious aims, particularly as the presence of rocks offshore meant that the tide would not be high enough for the landings to begin until half an hour later than those elsewhere, and so probably facing an alerted enemy. The main immediate opposition would come from three, fairly low grade, battalions of the 716th Division, but of more concern was the possibility that 21st Panzer Division, believed to be south-east of Caen, might intervene quickly, possibly reinforced during the afternoon by 12th SS Panzer.

The Canadian landing would take place on JUNO beach, on either side of the mouth of the River Seulles. The problems presented by offshore rocks meant that the landings would have to take place at a time when the tide was so high that it carried the first wave of landing craft into the midst of the belt of beach obstacles. In the event, rough sea conditions delayed the landings further for between ten minutes and half an hour, so that the landing craft had to run the gauntlet of several hundred yards of heavily mined beach obstacles. Fortunately few craft were hit during the approach, but heavy losses were suffered as they withdrew. Confusion was worsened when most of the Canadian infantry hit the beach ahead of the amphibious armor which had been intended to land ahead of them. Equally concerning, the bad visibility had caused the main weight of the preliminary bombardment to overshoot, leaving the defenses both intact and manned by an alerted enemy.

The 7th Canadian Brigade hit the defenses at the mouth of the Seuiles, near the town of Courseulles. They were supported by DD tanks which had been launched from 800 yards from offshore, but engineer units did not arrive until half an hour later. In the meantime the infantry and DD tanks succeeded in dealing with enemy coastal strong points, but the late arrival of the engineers led to considerable delay in clearing exits from the beach. As a result, although forward units from the Royal Winnipeg Rifles and Regina Rifles were able to push fairly quickly about two miles inland, support troops became caught up in considerable congestion at the beach exits, slowing down the impetus of the advance.

Further east the 8th Canadian Brigade had been forced by rough sea conditions to land without the support of DD tanks. As a result they encountered some sharp resistance around Bernieres. The leading elements of the first wave of assault troops, from the Queen's Own Rifles, encountered heavy fire from German strong points as they crossed 100 yards of open beach from their landing craft, and suffered quite heavy casualties. However by the time supporting troops from the French-Canadian Regiment de la Chaudiere began to land 15 minutes later, immediate resistance, apart from scattered sniper fire, had been overcome, and by 9-30 am, the town of Bernieres was firmly in Canadian hands.

On the outskirts of the town, however, the Canadians were held up in the hedgerows and orchards by the kind of resistance, primarily from machine gunners and the ubiquitous 88mm guns, which was soon to become only too familiar. It took two hours to break through, during which time, owing to a breakdown in communications, follow-up units continued to land on the beaches, creating a major log-jam which was not cleared until 3pm. Although by then Canadian troops were about three miles inland, valuable time had been lost, and although by evening some troops had advanced about seven miles as far as the Caen-Bayeux road, the delay in reinforcements coming up meant that the leading units lacked the strength to push on into Caen itself.

D-Day had not proved to be the ordeal for the Canadians which many had feared. Problems had resulted more from the effects of adverse weather conditions than from the level of enemy resistance.

14,000 troops landed. 1,074 became casualties. Of these, 359 were fatal.

At the Canadian cemetery there is the grave of a young nineteen year old Newfoundlander. The simple inscription reads, "Well done, son."

Photo: A Royal Canadian Horse Artillery veteran of the Normandy invasion attends a ceremony at the Royal Winnipeg Rifles monument on "Juno Beach" in Courseulles-sur-Mer on June 5, 2009. With permission.