Thursday, December 23, 2010

Setting a New Course

January was named for the Roman god Janus, the protector of gates and doorways. He was pictured as two-headed, with both heads bearded; one head looked forward while the other looks aft, with a retrospective view.

A few weeks ago fellow boaters and friends came ashore for dinner with us. As the evening drew on, and being faithful readers of this blog, they asked, "So, what is this blogger's block you last mentioned all about?" As I stumbled to come up with an appropriate response, John added, "What I really like are the comments and the ideas you mention, not necessarily the 'how to' stuff" (or words to that effect). Gives one pause. Not being an editor of Chapman's Piloting I may well be burned out on the 'how to' stuff.

So a new course is set as we look forward like Janus, one which continues nautical matters, but also veers at times to touch on other interests, as the description of the blog at the top of the page suggests. A new course with a new name: "Aft Deck Musings . . . ." A new course with a new name and now more folk joining this cruise as new addressees join  greatly increasing the current 400+ viewers currently receiving (and hopefully, reading) this blog.

But, and this is very important, our well respected CruiseMasters Boating Instruction program is still very much alive and on course. Almost 600 boaters have taken this program since it started thirteen years ago; that's 1,252,100 client/hours of instruction! Click on the web site to the left to find out a lot more about CruiseMasters.

So, Happy New Year, and here's to our new heading!

I hope you enjoy it.

Photo: moored at Ganges, Salt Spring Island, B.C., 2006