Wednesday, August 31, 2011

End of Puget Sound News & Weather

Puget Sound News and Weather, the communications vehicle for the not-for-profit-but extremely-important  People for Puget Sound, made its final appearance with today's blog. As its editor Mike Sato expressed earlier this month, PPS is "a people’s campaign for the good of the Sound, a campaign conducted by people, with the hearts and minds of people at its core: To hold ourselves and others accountable to do everything possible to ensure the health of our land and waters.” 

The ending of  Puget Sound News and Weather apparently is due to budget considerations.

As one who has cruised around the edges, and sometimes in the world of public relations and the media, it is always sad when an organization which relies so heavily on public awareness and people mobilization, as does People for Puget Sound, eliminates its most crucial tool. For me, the genius of PPS, in addition to its interaction with government, has been informing, inspiring, coordinating and making know to all of us what is happening and what is needed on the Sound, and giving us ways to respond. After all, we're the stewards of these waters and we need to constantly know where and how to be good stewards. Puget Sound News and Weather has done that for us, big time!

To eliminate this can be folly.

Mike Sato has been their communications director for 20 years, a person with a strong passion for this mission. Mike plans to continue at least providing the news clippings ("as a community service and because I'm a news junky"). This service will be a private undertaking, bearing no relationship to People For Puget Sound. To continue receiving his postings go now to "Salish Sea News & Weather" and subscribe. I certainly plan to, and I love the new name for Mike's blog!

Thanks, Mike, for what you've done these past two decades, and here's to your new cruising on the Salish Sea. Best of luck and may there be good seas ahead.