Monday, January 26, 2009

Hood Canal Bridge Construction

Most folk driving to and from the Olympic peninsula know well that the Hood Canal Bridge will be closed later this year between May and June. Boaters may not be so aware, unless you subscribe to the USCG Local Notice to Mariners.

The recent LNM 2/09 had this to say:

Kiewit-General Construction Company will be working on the Hood Canal Floating Bridge East Half Replacement Project from Jan to Oct 09. Specific projects include:

Temporary Skiff Docks established at the west and east bridge approaches with the anchors marked with white or yellow buoys showing Fl Y. Vessels are requested to remain 500 ft clear of the docks.

Two mooring buoys established near the northwest corner of the bridge and one buoy established near the southwest corner of the bridge. These buoys are white in color showing Flashing Yellow. At times three barges may be tied up to each mooring. Vessels are requested to remain 1500 ft clear of the moorings.

Demolition and construction operations of temporary structures will be taking place in the vicinity of Lofall and South Point Docks. The barge anchors will be marked with white or yellow buoys showing Flashing  Yellow. Mariners are requested to remain 500 ft clear.

Several barges and buoys will be temporarily moored in the southwest corner of Port Gamble Bay and a 925 ft pontoon will temporarily be moored adjacent to the pontoon currently moored in the bay. Anchor locations are marked with white buoys showing Flashing White. Vessels are requested to remain 500 ft clear.

Various vessels may be present during the construction project including DB Portland and Tug Red Bluff. Vessels present can be contacted on VHF-FM Channels 14 and 16 during working hours. For additional information, contact Kiewit-General Construction Company at (253) 439-6155.

And if you haven't, you can easily subscribe for your free weekly Local Notice to Mariners, Of course, you simply forgot to do this last go-around earlier, didn't you? Of course. 

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