Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Canada Day 2009

To our Canadian boating friends - - HAPPY CANADA DAY

Today is Canada's 142nd birthday. It was in 1867 that the British Parliament passed the British North America Act, establishing Canada as a sovereign nation. At that time there were just four provinces. Now there are ten plus the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories, and the latest, the Nunavut Territory, created in 1999 and home to about 30,00 people, most of them Inuit aboriginal people.

Originally called Dominion Day, July 1st was restyled Canada Day in 1982.

And, yes, there is a Queen of Canada, Elizabeth II, who also happens to be the Queen of England, of Wales, and of Scotland. as well as of Australia, New Zealand, Antigua, Jamaica, Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, Belize, St Christopher and Nevis, St. Lucia, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Papua New Guinea.

Now that should have you digging out the old Atlas!

So, Happy Birthday Canada, no worries, and long may your Loonies be on par.


caprhap said...

Where do they keep finding all that new land, Mike?

Mike Jackson said...

I think by (a) carving out a piece of the NWT and (b) as global warming surfaces new turf.