Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Late-March Three-dot Meandering

Remembering way back when Sweet-Sixteen was this young man's dream and not a tournament, but go Huskies!! . . .   celebrating the passage (finally) of a health bill and recalling my posting last August 9th which resulted in one lost blog addressee yet surfaced lots more affirmative comment, including docs, plus new blog followers. . . hearing a senior very conservative pol in England state, "Well, today the States finally joined the rest of the industrial nations . . . when tea was a positive and enriching daily parental activity (five times a day), not a crude bashing-prone party . . . musing that a small piece in the health bill requires restaurants to now post calorie content of menu items (enough space on a Big Mac wrapper?)   . . .

Wondering how mongers like Beck and Limbaugh and their ilk get sponsors, let alone listeners, and if the good ol' mayor of Mt. Vernon is still handing out keys of that fair city to those likes . . . if words like "nigger", "faggot", "baby killer" will continue to trump civil discourse, spittle included. . . if race-baiting and fear-mongering will be the language of tomorrow's body politic . . . if the "loyal" opposition will ever admit their complicity in fermenting all this extreme nastiness . . . trying to figure what renagades Washington's Attorney General to suddenly become oh so-constitutional threatening to block (with some other state AGs) the health care legislation. . .

Remembering yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of El Salvador's Archbishop Oscar Romero's assassination, a true champion of human rights and economic equality in a country that tromped on both, and a witness to what real faith is really all about . . .

Musing if there is a more spectacular scene than taking the ferry from Port Townsend to Keystone last Friday . . . not counting the Skagit Valley's lush vibrant yellow carpet of daffodils . . . and the wild rush watching thousands of snow geese swarming the valley's fields like excited teenagers at a rock concert  . . .

Remembering the late San Francisco Chronicle's late Herb "Bagdad by the Bay" Caen's signature three-dot column-style (which daily delighted my mother and thousand others), so admired and blatantly copied here . . .

And finally wondering how this posting can possibly be justified as "nautical", perhaps calling this all jetsam and flotsam?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your celebratory comments.It is difficult to understand the mindset that despairs the availability of healthcare for all.