Friday, April 1, 2011

An Action Alert

The Recreational Boating Association of Washington serves boaters' interests in a great many ways, including state legislative actions. Here is an important alert just received from them:


Legislative Amendment needed to 2SSB 5622, "Discover Pass" legislation – to prevent boaters from being double-charged!

Please call and/or e-mail your Senator – and particularly Members of the Senate Ways & Means Committee – today regarding a needed amendment to 2SSB 5622, a "Discover pass" bill pending before the Senate Ways & Means Committee. The bill establishes an optional $30 annual license registration fee, and a $10 day-use pass, in order to help prevent the closure of State Parks and other state resource lands managed by the Department of Natural Resources and Department of Fish & Wildlife.

We at RBAW support this legislation as a needed way to prevent the closure of State Parks and resource lands, particularly those that provide facilities to boaters. However, we believe it is essential that the Senate Ways & Means Committee amend 2SSB 5622 so that boaters who purchase an annual "natural resource investment permit" for launch privileges are not "double-charged" through this legislation. Through the launch permit fees (either $70 or $50, depending on the site and the launch) they already pay, boaters contribute a little over $1 million per biennium to the "Parks Renewal & Stewardship Account" (PRSA) that goes to the upkeep and maintenance and operation of state parks.

There is a basic fairness issue here – boaters can and will pay their fair share to help keep cherished state parks and resource lands open. But they should not pay twice if they already are buying an annual $70 or $50 launch permit.

We URGE you to support an amendment that could come either from Sen. Mike Hewitt (R-Pasco) – or may be under consideration as a Committee Amendment – to prevent this "double-charge problem." If we treat boaters fairly, and prevent double-charges, we win credibility with the public and we probably sell MORE of the "Discover Passes."

Please contact your legislators Today!
E-Mail or CALL LEGISLATIVE HOTLINE: 1-800-562-6000 (It's quick & easy!)

Please help with this amendment – and thank you for your consideration.

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