Monday, July 18, 2016

Post Baton Rouge

Violence never resolves issues or concerns, and most often only leads to more violence. And lethal violence is never Okay, no matter cause or effect.

Wondering if the shooting and killing of the police officers in Baton Rouge and in Dallas would have happened if not for the police shooting and killing (murder?) of Philando Castile and Alton B. Sterling, not to mention our nation's love affair with unbridled gun possession?
The police, who are sworn to provide citizen safety, are in a tough in-the-middle spot, and I salute their being there for us, as we decry their being murdered. Yet it was police who were involved with the death of Philando and Alton (and a legion of others).
Yes, there are reforms being instituted across this nation, but will they come soon enough and be effective enough? One can only hope and trust.

Today starts the GOP convention, with dynamics yet to be seen and open-carry being allowed as a "right" and candidates unleashing racism, intolerance, and bigotry inflaming a dangerous and rude following (are there any adults in the room?).
Thoughts and prayers are such empty utterings when there are such obvious steps this nation can take to make real the prayers. But our highest forum just went on a summer vacation. So nice. Is there any real concern?

Just musing, saying, and wondering . . . . 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very thoughtful opinion.