Saturday, August 27, 2016

An Anniversary Celebration

Anniversary Celebration?

And just how would you celebrate the anniversary of your marriage other than walking along a river shore, stepping carefully on the rocks and over driftwood logs, or looking at a great herd of elk grazing? How else would one?

Package all this in the context of two days at one of Washington's finest parks, Dosewallips State Park, at Brinnon, on the Hood Canal. Actually, we've only stayed at three Washington State parks, one being at Vantage, high on a bluff overlooking the Columbia River - - beautiful setting until dusk when the wind vortexes down the river canyon, causing all sorts of damage to unsuspecting campers (locals warned us). The other being Fort Worden, just north of Port Townsend and on the Strait of Juan de Fuca (and setting for the movie "Officer and a Gentleman").

But Dosewallips is by far our favorite, and our second time here. Great open spaces, lots of families simply enjoying the last days of summer (local schools start August 31st). Weather in the 80s. We watch an unending stream of kids, all ages, cycling, running, scootering, unfettered by parental hovering and simply enjoying being kids and free. Kids and nature at their best. 

This morning, walking Jax-the-Bichon, June was asked if she saw "them". "Them?" Yes, the resident
herd of elk, about 60 strong, moving through the campground, led by a magnificent large bull. We actually saw the herd later, grazing out in the marshland where the Dosewallips merges with the canal.

It has been a marvelous 28-years of marriage and partnering for us, and this seemed a marvelous way to celebrate.

As the day closes, and the evening shadows lengthen, bikes and scooters and strollers now lie quietly alongside RVs and tents and cabins. And the park settles and is still.

Quiet, as late into the night a single coyote yips somewhere in this magnificent Olympic Forrest.

And all is well and all is wonderful.


The day we were leaving the park we woke just before 6:00 AM, to this amazing sight right outside our motorhome - - there must have been close to 90 Roosevelt Elk grazing!


Rod said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary. Congratulations and love to you both.

Unknown said...
