Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Okay. He's a water dog (Portugese), He has webbed feet. His origins were, according to Wikipedia, "diving to herd fish into fishermen's nets, to retrieve lost tackle or broken nets, and to act as couriers from ship to ship, or ship to shore. Portuguese Water Dogs worked from the cold Atlantic waters of Portugal to the frigid fishing waters off the coast of Iceland." Competitively, he's judged by long long he can stay under water.

But, most of all, he's a family's new pup!

My first introduction to the Portuguese Water Dog was some years ago in Friday Harbor. A neighboring boat had two aboard - - beautiful animals! The owners only problem was that the dogs loved to jump overboard and swim (and dive?) at the least provocation, so they had to keep them leashed even aboard.

Ted Kennedy, who gifted the Obamas, has three.

So, welcome, Bo, and enjoy your new mistresses! And don't jump in the National Mall pool, at least not for a while, Okay?

Good boy!

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