Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Reunion?

CruiseMasters: The Blog.

Talk about  nostalgic moments!

Former clients, some reaching  as far back as 1997 when CruiseMasters Boating Instruction started,  responded to the launching of this new blog.

Some I had forgotten until a chance remark ignited a neat memory.

Some described exciting cruising adventures.

Some with harrowing happenings! But that's boating, and hopefully new lessons learned.

Some, almost everyone, mentioning something special that they gleaned from their training, warming the heart of this teacher. 

My wife describes this blog as a virtual reunion. And it is.

Over the years CruiseMasters has given 550 boaters 2,060 hours of instruction and coaching. Now this blog is, in a manner of speaking, a continuing ed adventure, revisiting old learnings as well as introducing new gadgets and wrinkles,  broadening our world of boating. (And amazingly, of well over a hundred emails sent announcing the blog, less than a dozen bounced back as undeliverable.)

Please make use of the "comment" key at the bottom of each posting to add your own thoughts, ideas, comments. These are what make a blog a conversational. And don't hesitate to use your comments to suggest topics for possible future posts, which would be much appreciated.

Boating, teaching and coaching, people - - how could one ever improve on that mix? Hey, what more could one want from such an "encore career", anyway?

So, many, many thanks to you all. and let's hear from you.


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