Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Apology and a Correction

The 2009 Great Seattle Boat Show ended Sunday. We took in the Qwest Field Event Center venue on Friday, looking at new equipment and gadgets, buying books (great discounts!), and generally 'shmoozing' with friends. We talked with David Kuntz, president of the Recreational Boating Association of Washington (RBAW), who kindly and gently commented that the title I had used for my December 29th posting about the state's new boaters education program (and requirement) was incorrect. And he's right.

I titled the post "Getting Licensed by the State."


A license implies something that can be revoked or requires renewal, like a driver's license or a USCG Master's license. That's not the case with the Washington State Boater Education Card. Once issued, it's yours for keeps. The proponents of the state initiative - - RBAW was a key player - - were very intentional and did not want this to be a "license." And it never was (except by me).

So, apologies, and thanks to David for pointing this out to me.

But, you still need to get your Card!

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