Thursday, February 12, 2009

Legislative Update

More Washington State legislative news (with apologies to those of you living and boating beyond this fair state).

A week ago I posted an alert from the Recreational Boaters Association of Washington (RBAW) to the effect that the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs had introduced legislation in both the senate and legislature that would divert federal boating funding to enhanced marine law enforcement. Now comes these updates from David Kutz,
RBAW Government Affairs Director

Tuesday, February 10th:

The Senate Hearing yesterday went very well for us yesterday. Below is the link and information for the TVW website if you would like to watch a recording of the hearing on your computer. There is no judgment on the hearing until the Senators meet in executive session to either vote the bill up or down, or just let it die. We won't know for several days probably.

Our legislative committee would especially like to thank the following members who took the time to attend the hearing and sign in for our side: Dick Marshall, John & Linda Dawson, Michael Best, Dave & Sherron Scott, Richard & Diane Hurst (Olympia YC), P/C Jim Lengenfelder (OYC) and Janice Kutz. We also had another boater from SW Washington testify plus State Parks testimony and Jan Visser was there for us from the Boating Safety Council.

The other side brought in about 4 sheriffs in uniform plus Ms. Arlow the WASPC lobbyist. They made some inaccurate statements but their point was that they need a lot of money to improve their enforcement manpower (of which this fund would be too little to make much of a difference). We explained they have been absent in all of our previous years stakeholder processes, even when we were fighting for funding for them which we have done on several occasions. We made the point we already supply L.E. over $7 million in grants which is already 75% of the boating safety funding available to Parks. Anyway Senator Jacobsen seemed to understand better the funding process and looked to be open to a bill compromise.

We are hoping to meet with WASPC and introduce another bill this week that will address some of their concerns and get some of our real needs quantified and get everybody on board with us.

We still have to plan on the House hearing Friday morning at 8 am for HB 1848. Our strategy and/or the hearing is subject to change depending on how much we can work out this week.

Thursday, February 12th:

As you probably heard, the hearing in Olympia for SB 5691 and HB 1848 went well on Monday afternoon Feb. 9th. We boaters made some good points and were very well represented and received. We also had good back up from State Parks boating officials.

After an extensive meeting today between all parties, we are pleased to announce we have an agreement in principle on the boating bills- SB 5691 and HB 1848.

Other than the panel and designated persons, there is no need to attend the hearing Friday morning at 8 am.

We may still need legislative support to pass an agreed upon bill and you will hear from RBAW further on that as details unfold.

If you are planning on coming to the RBAW Legislative Reception on Monday Feb. 17, we will have the latest update there.

Thanks again to all of you who continue to support our legislative efforts for recreational 
boating in Washington. Please remember to RSVP if you are coming to Olympia on the 17th.

Good sailing.

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