Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Sea Change


A fantastic voter turn-out . . . the young adult faces, missing in national dialogue in years past . . . a moving concession speech by Senator McCain (a side of him missed these past months) . . . a powerful and truly moving (did you see Jessie Jackson and Oprah with a tear?) victory speech by President-elect Barack Obama, a speech not only to the nation, but to the whole world . . . character trumping political sound-bites . . . a people still living in prejudice seeing the possibility of  "a promised land" . . . folk in Europe and Asia and the Middle East and and Britain and Asia-minor and Australia and Africa and New Zealand and Greenland feeling and celebrating a renewed sense of global care and partnering . . . the word "respect" re-entering the international lexicon when talking about the United States . . . "hope" the DNA of our national tomorrow, I hope.

Perhaps all the flowers will come back, after long-time passing. I only pray and hope that a sea change has, in fact, come!

Think I'll keep my "Obama 2008" bumper sticker on for a bit.

(Sea Change -a poetical or informal term meaning a profound transformation; big significant change. The expression is Shakespeare's, taken from the song in "The Tempest".)


Anonymous said...

Nice to finally be able to feel proud of my country once again. It's been a very long, very dark time.

Mike Jackson said...

I certainly agree. My sister described the Seattle celebrations that night (I sent a clip) as like a crowd reacting when a horrible dictator is overthrown.